Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fabulous Testimonial from a Happy RevitaVet User!!

Dear Tom and RevitaVet, 

As a member of the UC Davis 3 Day Event Team I would like to thank you for your sponsorship and providing us with one of your unique, effective healing systems. Three members on our team have horses that are unfortunately suffering from tendon injuries, and we are all so thankful that we can speed up the healing process with our RevitaVet system. 

For me personally, it has completely changed the outlook on my horse’s recovery from her left front suspensory branch tear that occurred in November. After a scary first ultra sound and a diagnosis of a serious injury, I opted for Platelet Rich Plasma treatment to hopefully speed recovery and improve functionality of the healed tendon. To my great disappointment, 2 months later, the injury looked just as it did on day 1. Fearing my horse would never recover from this injury, I turned to RevitaVet and began using it daily. 

Two months after I began using RevitaVet, her ultra sounds look incredible and show remarkable healing that even PRP treatment could not promote. I will continue to use this astonishing system throughout the rest of her rehab process and beyond, as I am convinced it was the saving grace for my horse and I.  

Many thanks, 
Rebecca and Ricochet