Friday, March 29, 2013

How Infrared Light Helps to Heal Major and Minor Problems

Infrared light therapy has been proven to heal many major as well as minor injuries.  Physiological changes have been scientifically proven in these areas:

·        Inflammation and pain reduction with an increase in circulation to the injured tissues.

·        Scar tissue has been minimized

·        Acceleration of cellular growth and reproduction

·        More nitric oxide is released

·        A surge in RNA/DNA synthesis occurs

·        The Lymphatic system is stimulated and toxins expelled

·        Increase in the pre-healing stage called phagocytosis 

·        Activates the creation of collagen and adenosine triphosphates (ATP)

·        Accelerates the production of endorphins and enkephalins (pain relievers)


Any injury or Problem that can plague your horse will respond to light therapy, some examples are:  Abscesses, Arthritis, Bowed Tendons, Bone Spavins, Navicular or other Hoof related problems, Sore Back, Splints, Sore Muscles, Stifle Problems, Wind Puffs, even fractures have been proven to heal in a fraction of the normal healing time, and the list goes on.

The red light that is visible can penetrate beneath the dermis to a depth of 8-10mm.  This light helps to treat injuries such as cuts, scrapes, scars and it stimulates acupuncture points.  It is also beneficial in healing infections.  Infrared light, or the light that you cannot see pulsing, penetrates to a depth of 30-40mm.  This light travels deeper to stimulate the healing of deep muscle injuries, joints, Arthritis etc.

So contact RevitaVet today to find out more about the amazing technology of Infrared Light Therapy and help your equine friend live pain free.

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